Investment PlanningEveryone needs to save for a rainy day. Once you have saved enough to take care of emergencies, you should start thinking about investing and to make your money grow. We can help you plan your investments so that you can reap adequate benefits and achieve your financial goals.
Bajaj Capital’s Investment Planning Service includes:
- Risk Profiling
- Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction
- Creation and Accumulation of Wealth through Systematic Investment Plans (SIP)
- Regular review of progress and Portfolio Rebalancing
Essentially, Investment Planning involves identifying your financial goals throughout your life, and prioritising them. Investment Planning is important because it helps you to derive the maximum benefit from your investments.
Your success as an investor depends upon your ability to choose the right investment options. This, in turn, depends on your requirements, needs and goals. For most investors, however, the three prime criteria of evaluating any investment option are liquidity, safety and return.
Investment Planning also helps you to decide upon the right investment strategy. Besides your individual requirement, your investment strategy would also depend upon your age, personal circumstances and your risk appetite. These aspects are typically taken care of during investment planning.
Investment Planning also helps you to strike a balance between risk and returns. By prudent planning, it is possible to arrive at an optimal mix of risk and returns, that suits your particular needs and requirements.
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