About Bajaj Capital Advisor Network Group
Advisor Network Group a division of Bajaj Capital Ltd is a unique platform for financial advisors where they can come together to achieve power of togetherness, grow with experience & transform individuals into a strong united force.
To Create the largest network of independent financial advisors (IFA's) in india. So that we can learn, earn and grow together
- To help advisors upgrade themselfs's to complete Financial Planners
- To enable advisors to complete with large MNC banks & other Wealth Advisors
Why Bajaj Capital Advisor Network Group
Today the financial advisory business has become very competitive. More and more MNCs, banks and stock brokers are entering into the business of distribution of financial product and services, and many banks are planning to go retail. As such, the choice for investors will be many.
Competition will be driven by knowledge-based advice, service & up-to-date technology support. The cost of operations will go up and margins will shrink. It is not viable for all players to invest in technology and brand building in isolation, and hence there is a need to form an alliance in form of advisors network.
Bajaj Capital Advisor Network Group aims to leverage its experience, reach and the power of technology to serve the members of advisors network group
Bajaj Capital Advisor Network has got a very strong parentage of Bajaj Capital Limited which has grown successively for the last 44 years. We have a history of working together with IFA’s for the last 20 years through our Advisor Network Division (Earlier known as Broker Association in Delhi). With honesty and great commitment we have helped over 20000 IFA’s to build a strong sustainable business & we have a proven track record of over 2 decades in this regard.
Bajaj Capital Advisor Network team believes in one motto “Be a Leader & Create Leaders”.
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